25 Random Things About Me

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Finally, I found time to write my own 25 random things today.

RULE: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. i'm a chocolate lover. especially the white ones.
2. i don't leave the house without drying my hair.
3. i share my room with my sister til now.
4. i share the same birthday with Dr. Jose Rizal
5. i'm 5 feet 4 inches tall and never weighed more than 105 lbs. ever. i wish to gain a little more weight.
6. i don't know how to play any musical instrument that requires chords or notes. playing the piano is one of my greatest frustrations.
7. i love music and singing but i can't sing in tune.
8. i've tried hiking, wall climbing, cable wire crossing, spelunking, and rappelling when i was in college. missed them badly.
9. i hope to have the chance to do bungee jumping, sky diving, and scuba diving one of these days.
10. i get an allergic reaction whenever i take sea foods (like shrimp & crabs) and mefenamic acid.
11. i buy some of my shirts from the kids section of the department store.
12. i don't like hot beverages.
13. i'm not a coffee lover but i love coffee creamer. those that come in small sachets.
14. i don't have a favorite color. but i love pastels.
15. i'm a fan of love stories & love songs.
16. people who don't know me think i'm quiet; those who know me wish i was.
17. i hate waiting but i know i should... i'm still learning.
18. i never believed that there is Santa Clause.
19. i don't like pets. i don't think i ever would.
20. i hate the sound of my voice when i use the microphone or voice recorder.
21. very few people get my name right when they first hear it. even my surname.
22. i love cotton candy with skimmed milk.
23. i can stay all week long in the house. after that is a different story.
24. i love the sight of a full moon on a starry night.
25. The greater percentage of what I write is, still, never read by anyone but me. self pity. haha!

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