Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Spent a day and a half at the hospital with dad. He was rushed to the ER on Monday night due to pain on his lower back. Tests showed that it was his kidney stones causing the pain. At home now but needs to be scheduled for shockwave of his right kidney.
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Sunday, January 17, 2010

a pose on the white wall with hot momma & jarah
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Thursday, January 14, 2010
After quite some time, I had a chance to chat again with my friend Weng. A cheesy treat at Taco Bell Trinoma.
*photo from
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Wednesday, January 13, 2010
On this third day of our prayer and fasting week God sent His message for me three times. First on my early morning devotion using the prayer and fasting booklet. Then at 9AM, I received a forwarded text message from a friend which says the same verse, that was the second time. Lastly, when I got home, I opened my Bible to the chapter I was scheduled to read following my Bible reading plan. To my surprise, it was, again, the same message... To delight myself in the Lord. Sweet! :)
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Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I went to this tertiary hospital to have my blood tests this morning. Extractions are done in the lab so I sat there and waited. Then I saw a petite lady coming towards my seat. On her ID, it says ORIENTEE in bold letters. Oh no!.. I really had a bad feeling then but I wasn't able to back out or had the guts to ask for other med tech to do the procedure. After two shots on my veins, she finally got a backflow. Too excited, a 5cc syringe was completely filled in just a matter of I think 2 seconds. It was so painful that when i got home, I immediately put a warm pack over the area. The pain was relieved but when I woke up I got a huge hematoma on my right arm. :(
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Monday, January 11, 2010
Fast from discontent; feast on THANKFULNESS.
Fast from worry; feast on TRUST.
Fast from anger; feast on PATIENCE.
Fast from self-concern; feast on COMPASSION for others.
Fast from unrelenting pressures; feast on unceasing PRAYERS.
Fast from bitterness; feast on FORGIVENESS.
Fast from discouragement; feast on HOPE.
Fast from media hype; feast on the honest of the BIBLE.
Fast from idle gossip; feast on purposeful SILENCE.
Fast from problems that overwhelm; feast on PRAYER that undergirds.
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Sunday, January 10, 2010
Saw this in the closet this morning and remembered the special person who gave this dress to me. Thanks Anna Banana! *hugs!Labels: twentyten
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Saturday, January 09, 2010
Dgroup at April's place. Thanks for the breakfast. :)
Topic: The Freedom of Unfailing Love
Make-up session after. True beauty inside and out. *wink
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Friday, January 08, 2010
Orchie and Pepper's wedding at ClarkField Pampanga.
Had fun at the photo booth with Lhei, Rhei, Gem, and ate Tina.
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Wednesday, January 06, 2010
I wasn't able to take a shot of the "before" but this is the "after". It's definitely a lot better. Cleaned up the sala with the whole family today.
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Sunday, January 03, 2010
Me and Se in our Koreanovela inspired outfit on a Sunday morning.
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Saturday, January 02, 2010
It's our first family pig out day for the year. Went on a lunch buffet at Saisaki West Ave. Got sooo full with sushi and sashimi. Yum!
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Friday, January 01, 2010
For more than a decade now, we always start the new year with a family reunion. To remember and thank God for the year that was and to pray for His guidance and blessings for the days to come.
Cheers to 2010!
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